GavilanCSIS 85
Web Design I: Dreamweaver Version CS4

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To see the online material, please log in to iLearn.

Class begins on Tuesday, June 15



Catalog Description

Basic and intermediate principles of designing Web pages/sites using the Dreamweaver web design software and HTML. Emphasis will be on good design and the use of tables, frames, forms, rollovers, DHTML, XHTML, behaviors, and CSS. Also includes site maintenance and the integration of multimedia components such as graphics, sound, animation, and video. This course is for the content person to design, develop, and maintain effective Web sites. This course is also listed as ART 85 and DM 85. This course has the option of a grade or credit/no credit. May be repeated twice for credit.



Peter Howell

phone: n/a



Dreamweaver CS4: Visual Quickstart Guide
Tom Negrino and Dori Smith
Peachpit Press

Purchasing this textbook is optional. Depending on your learning style and your situation, it might be more appropriate to spend your money elsewhere, for example:

Whether or not you buy this textbook, you are responsible for the material covered. In general, web links will be provided as an alternative for each reading assignment.


Class Participation

To fully participate in this class, you are expected to


Attendance Policy

Attending class is crucial to your success. In leiu of attendance, a short (5 minute) quiz will be given at the beginning of class. This low-stakes quiz will primarliy be a review of the previous class. If you have attended, and stayed awake, it should be no problem. Expect this quiz to begin at 9am.

Computer Labs

Class will be held in PB 4, in the temporary classrooms. This lab contains a full suite of software including the Adobe CS4 package. However, it is not an"open lab": it generally isn't unlocked unless a class is taking place.

I recommend becoming familiar with Gavilan's Digital Media Lab. It is located in the Library building (LI128). You might want to visit.


Web Orientations for the Online Component

The Gavilan Library will offer several orientations to online courses during the first two weeks of the semester.

If you have never taken an online course, this orientation will provide critical information to help you be successful in this class.

For more details, see the schedule of orientations.

Online help is available at the Distance Ed. homepage.


Available Support Services

You have many resources available from Gavilan College. See the list of student services for more information.