GavilanCSIS 54 Schedule

What's Due?
1 Feb 2 - 4
  • Introduction & getting started
  • install perl & the environment
  • running a script
  • plain text
  • Survey
  • Intro forum post
2 Feb 7 - 11
  • variables
  • simple math and operators
  • hello world
  • user input
3 Feb 14 - 18
  • char, string, int, float variables
  • if statements, branching
  • Journal 1
4 Feb 21 - 25
  • loops with while and for statements
  •  Perl&CGI Chapter 12
5 Feb 28 - Mar 4
  • lists / arrays
  • list functions
  • Journal 2
  • Forum posts
6 Mar 7 - 11
  • Files: opening, reading & writing
7 Mar 14 - 18
  • hash table / dictionaries / associative arrays
8 Mar 21 - 25
  • Practice with loops & lists & hash tables
  • Introduction to Regular Expressions
9 Mar 28 - Apr 1
  • Introduction to web applications
  • Journal 3
* Apr 4 - 10 SPRING BREAK    
10 Apr 11 - 15
  • Midterm review
11 Apr 18 - 22
  • Regular expressions II
12 Apr 25 - 29
  • subroutines/ functions
  • arguments
  • return values
  • local variables
  • Project Proposal
13 May 2 - 6
  • debugging
  • testing
  • exceptions
14 May 9 - 13
  • GUI programming
  • CPAN
15 May 16 - 20
  • references
  • object oriented programming
  • data structures
16 May 23 - 27
  • Review
  • Project


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Please contact Peter Howell at for questions or comments.
Last updated January 10, 2010.