The book is Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition, by Elizabeth Castro.
Background Reading
You can get a flavor for what perl has to offer with the following articles:
- Perl on Wikipedia []
- The Joy of Perl []
- How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project [The Perl Journal]
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years [Peter Norvig]
Reference Material
Perl was invented in the "age of the internet", and was part of the infrastructure that comprised the internet at that time. There is complete documentation and reference material for the Perl language and components online. Your first stop for anything perl-related should be
These, and many other tutorials about perl, can be useful for different points of view, especially if you don't want to buy the textbook.
Beginning Perl, by Simon Cozens
Introductory Videos on Perl, by Steven Devijver
The PerlMonks collection of tutorials
Other useful reading
CPAN Frequently asked questions
The Perl Cookbook - Common recipes. The code is online, and the book is for sale.
Question and answer sites: StackOverflow (practical how-to), PerlMonks (advanced and theoretical), AskMetafilter (lots of practical getting-things-done scenarios).
Vaguely Related
- In the beginning was the Command Line, by Neal Stepenson
- Unix Hater's Handbook (pdf)
- Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder
- Cookoo's Egg by Cliff Stoll
- Code Complete by Steve McConnell
- What the Doormouse Said by John Markoff
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Last updated Feb 2 2011.