Gavilan College 2020
What are they good for?
Collaborate on assignments, pages, forums, and more
A Group is like a small shell within a shell.
You decide: Can students access other groups?
## What if i want to make new groups? - Same groups all semester, OR - Multiple 'sets' of groups
## Within a group, students can:
See who's in the group.
Store and share files.
Start a discussion.
Start or edit pages.
Make announcements.
Collaborate on assignment.
## Group Assignments - One submission for each group. - Set up groups before publishing it. - Use setting on 'edit assignment' page - Grade individually or as group.
## Other Useful Things - Due dates based on group - Cross listed courses: - Each section is automatically a group
## Creating Groups - Use the **People** tab. - Make a 'GROUP SET'. - like the name implies, this is a 'set' of groups. Probably you'll only need one of these. - Here is where you'll say if you allow them to choose groups, or get assigned by you. - You also say if you want the system to make groups automatically or if you want to choose them. - Within that set, you can create groups and put students in them. - Use the '+ GROUP' button.
## Other Notes - Need to show the 'PEOPLE' tab for them to get to groups. - Or you could add a link in Modules.
## Demonstration