Classes in cwe
CWE 190 Occupational Work Experience 1.0 unitsDescription: Occupational work experience for students who have a job related to their major. A training plan is developed cooperatively between the employer, college and student. (P/NP grading) 75 hours per semester paid work = 1 unit. 60 hours non-paid (volunteer) work per semester = 1 unit. Student repetition is allowed per Title 5 Section 55253. Minimum 2.00 GPA. REQUIRED: Declared vocational major.Student Learning Outcomes: - Increase job skills in at least one of the following transferable skill sets: Communication, Research and Planning, Human Relations, Organization, Management and Leadership, Work Survival.
CWE 192 General Work Experience Education 1.0 unitsDescription: General work experience for students who have a job unrelated to their major. General work experience is supervised employment which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. A training plan is developed cooperatively between the employer, college and student. (P/NP grading) 75 hours per semester paid work = 1 unit. 60 hours non-paid (volunteer) work per semester = 1 unit. Student repetition is allowed per Title 5 Section 55253. Minimum 2.0 GPA.Student Learning Outcomes: - Increase job skills in at least one of the following transferable skill sets: Communication, Research and Planning, Human Relations, Organization, Management and Leadership, Work Survival.
CWE 290 Occupational Work Experience 1.0 unitsDescription: Occupational work experience for students who have a job related to their major. A training plan is developed cooperatively between the employer, college and student. (P/NP grading) 75 hours per semester paid work = 1 unit. 60 hours non-paid (volunteer) work per semester = 1 unit. Student repetition is allowed per Title 5 Section 55253. Minimum 2.00 GPA. REQUIRED: Declared vocational major.Student Learning Outcomes: - Increase job skills in at least one of the following transferable skill sets: Communication, Research and Planning, Human Relations, Organization, Management and Leadership, Work Survival.