Classes in bot
BOT 23 Independent Study 1.0 unitsDescription: Designed to afford selected students specialized opportunities for exploring areas at the independent study level. The courses may involve extensive library work, research in the community, or special projects. May be repeated until six units of credit are accrued. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. REQUIRED: The study outline prepared by the student and the instructor must be filed with the department and the dean.Student Learning Outcomes: - These will be determined if the class is brought back.
BOT 100 Effective Written and Oral Business Communication 3.0 unitsDescription: This course teaches the principles of effective communication as it is applied to the creation of business letters, memos, emails, resumes, and written and oral reports for a variety of business situations. Students will plan, organize, compose, and revise a variety of business documents using word processing software for written documents and presentation graphics software to create and deliver professional level oral reports for a variety of business situations. Also listed as BUS 100. (C-ID BUS 115.) PREREQUISITE: ENGL 1A.Student Learning Outcomes: - Solve business communication problems through planning, problem solving, organizing, writing, listening and presenting techniques.
- Employ software tools to plan, organize, write and revise letters, memos, emails, and reports suitable for a variety of business situations, including quantitative and business legal contexts.
- Plan and deliver individual or team oral presentations for business meetings.
- List reasons and suggest strategies to adapt business messages to audience needs and desires, including cross-cultural situations.
BOT 102 Business Mathematics 3.0 unitsDescription: Basic concepts of business mathematics with emphasis on problem solving. Covers arithmetic fundamentals, business applications, percentages, merchandising, accounting, and measuring business performance and success. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible for Mathematics 402 and English 260.Student Learning Outcomes: - Solve business arithmetic operations with fractions to do business problems, and be able to select which math method needs to be used to do problems.
- Use percentages, ratios, and proportions for business applications such as discounts, markups, and markdowns, and be able to differentiate which math methods should be used for different problems.
- Use simple and compound interest to do business calculations such as value of money, maturity value, promissory notes, present value, and future value and be able to differentiate which math method should be used for different problems.
- Use business statistics for central measurements, frequency distributions, graphs, and measure of dispersion and be able to select which math method should be used for different problems.
BOT 112 Business Computations with Machines 0.5 unitsDescription: Self-paced course in the operation of the electronic printing calculator. This course provides theory and practice in business applications with emphasis on mathematical problem solving. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible for Mathematics 402.Student Learning Outcomes: - Add a column of multi-digit figures with accuracy while operating the calculator by the"touch"method.
- Calculate a variety of problems using the total, clear entry, subtotal, add, subtract, multiply, divide, memory, and percent keys.
- Compute business applicationproblems such as taking discounts, calculating commissions, figuring sales tax, making extensions, figuring merchandise mark-ups and mark-downs, calculating the mean, and figuring percent of increase and decrease.
BOT 180 Medical Terminology for the Office 3.0 unitsDescription: This course introduces fundamentals of medical word building used in the health profession (prefixes, word roots, suffixes and abbreviations) as well as review of body systems, with emphasis on analysis, definition, spelling and pronunciation. This course had the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Student Learning Outcomes: - Identify word parts consisting of suffixes, prefixes, and root words to appropriately spell, define, and pronounce medical terms.
- Locate and identify anatomical landmarks germane to each body system.
BOT 181 Medical Billing 3.0 unitsDescription: This course is an introduction to computerized billing procedures for the medical front office. Students will learn the patient billing features of the software and complete a capstone simulation project. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible for English 250. Some computer experience.Student Learning Outcomes: - Describe the major elements of a medical accounting system office accounting system.
- Explain how patient billing fits into the overall accounting system.
- Define the financial records a medical billing assistant maintains.
- Demonstrate competency in using billing software.
BOT 182 Medical Office Procedures 3.0 unitsDescription: This specialized course includes medical office procedures, patient record management, coding/billing for private/government health insurance programs, and professional ethics. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Student Learning Outcomes: - Select and prepare the proper forms for procedures requiring consent or release of medical information.
- Describe scenarios in which the medical office employee must recognize emergency situations.
Explain how the employee can respond appropriately in these situations.
- Explain the steps in the filing process; filing of charts, x-rays,and electronic files.
- Explain how to complete tasks/assignments for administrative duties in a medical office. Describe situations in which the medical office employee must demonstrate judgment and independent action.
BOT 183 Medical Coding 3.0 unitsDescription: This course will introduce the student to the theory and procedure of coding for medical diagnoses, an increasingly essential and specialized healthcare communication system. The course is not a certification course. CPT coding is covered, with an overview of both ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: BOT 180.Student Learning Outcomes: - List the uses of the ICD-9-CM.
- List the uses of the ICD-10-CM.
- Explain the uses of coding conventions when assigning codes.
- Demonstrate use of ICD-9-CM
- Demonstrate use of ICD-10-CM
- Explain the uses of CPT coding and CPT modifiers
BOT 190 Occupational Work Experience/Business Office Technology 1.0 unitsDescription: Occupational work experience for students who have a job related to their major. A training plan is developed cooperatively between the employer, college, and student. (P/NP grading) 75 hours per semester paid work = 1 unit. 60 hours non-paid (volunteer) work per semester = 1 unit. Student repetition is allowed per Title 5 Section 55253. Minimum 2.00 GPA. REQUIRED: Declared vocational major.Student Learning Outcomes: - The student will increase job skills in at least one of the following transferable skill sets: Communication, Research and Planning, Human Relations, Organization, Management and Leadership, Work Survival
BOT 191A Workplace Skills 1.0 unitsDescription: Workplace Skills teaches skills vital to workplace success. The topic for 191A is Interpersonal Communication. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course.Student Learning Outcomes: - Compare three different styles of interpersonal communication.
- Demonstrate effectively stating own needs and opinions.
- Examine four roadblocks to good listening.
- Compare four basic personality types.
- Illustrate three methods of active listening.
BOT 191B Workplace Skills 1.0 unitsDescription: Workplace Skills teaches skills vital to workplace success. The topic for 191B is Team Building. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course.Student Learning Outcomes: - Demonstrate holding effective meetings.
- Contrast helpful and harmful team roles.
- Illustrate communication and managing conflict within a team.
- Practice setting team goals: mission, vision, and strategy.
- Demonstrate decision-making skills.
BOT 191C Workplace Skills 1.0 unitsDescription: Workplace Skills teaches skills vital to workplace success. The topic for 191C is Problem-Solving. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course.Student Learning Outcomes: - Select three problems and prepare solutions.
- Assess the cause of three problems.
- List four customer expectations.
- Demonstrate action steps and follow-up plans for dealing with customer expectations.
- Create and interpret two charts and graphs.
BOT 212 Business Computations with Machines 0.5 unitsDescription: Self-paced course in the operation of the electronic printing calculator. This course provides theory and practice in business applications with emphasis on mathematical problem solving. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible for Mathematics 402.Student Learning Outcomes: - Add a column of multi-digit figures with accuracy while operating the calculator by the "touch" method.
- Compute business application problems such as taking discounts, calculating commissions, figuring sales tax, making extensions, figuring merchandise mark-ups and mark-downs, calculating the mean, and figuring percent of increase and decrease; using the total, clear entry, subtotal, add, subtract, multiply, divide, memory, and percent keys.
BOT 281 Medical Billing 3.0 unitsDescription: This course is an introduction to computerized billing procedures for the medical front office. Students will learn the patient billing features of the software and complete a capstone simulation project. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible for English 250. Some computer experience.Student Learning Outcomes: - Describe the major elements of a medical accounting system office accounting system and explain how patient billing fits into the overall system.
- Define the financial records a medical billing assistant maintains.
- Demonstrate competency in using billing software.
BOT 283 Medical Coding 3.0 unitsDescription: This course will introduce the student to the theory and procedure of coding for medical diagnoses, an increasingly essential and specialized healthcare communication system. The course is not a certification course. CPT coding is covered, with an overview of ICD-10 coding. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: BOT 180.Student Learning Outcomes: - List the uses of and demonstrate the use of ICD-10-CM.
- Explain the uses of coding conventions when assigning codes.
- Explain the uses of CPT coding and CPT modifiers.
BOT 291A Power Skills for the Workplace 1.0 unitsDescription: Power Skills for the Workplace teaches skills vital to workplace success. The topic for 291A is Interpersonal Communication. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course. Course was previously listed as 191A.Student Learning Outcomes: - Compare and contrast three different styles of interpersonal communication.
- Examine listening skills, including listing three methods of active listening and four roadblocks to good listening.
BOT 291B Power Skills for the Workplace 1.0 unitsDescription: Power Skills for the Workplace teaches skills vital to workplace success. The topic for 291B is Team Building. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course. Course was previously listed as 191B.Student Learning Outcomes: - Demonstrate holding effective meetings, including utilizing communication, conflict management, and decision-making skills.
- Compare and contrast helpful and harmful team roles.
BOT 291C Power Skills for the Workplace 1.0 unitsDescription: Power Skills for the Workplace teaches skills vital to workplace success. The topic for 291C is Problem-Solving. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course. Course was previously listed as 191C.Student Learning Outcomes: - Select three problems, assess their cause. and prepare solutions.
- List four customer expectations and demonstrate action steps and follow-up plans for dealing with these expectations.