184 Homepage | Reading Schedule | Internet Resources | Due Dates |
Course begins on Tuesday, June 14 and ends on Thursday, August 4, 2011.
Tuesdays: 6pm - 10pm (Lab)
Wednesdays: 6pm - 9pm (Lecture)
Thursdays: 6pm - 10pm (Lab)
Description: An introduction to the computer crime investigation process. Students are introduced to the hardware, software, networks and devices found in typical home and business settings. Techniques and equipment are used to collect evidence, ensure integrity, locate and prepare data for forensic investigation. Also covers chain of custody requirements for admissible evidence, data formats for a variety of modern equipment, and recovery of deleted or encrypted information.
Instructor: Peter Howell.
Email: peter.howell@gmail.com.
Website: http://hhh.gavilan.edu/phowell .
1. Student can identify, remove, and replace all major components of a typical personal computer.
2. Student will recognize and perform basic file operations on all major operating systems (mac, windows, unix) and mobile operating systems (ios, android, nokia, blackberry, windows).
3. The student will be able to describe the most common network topologies and protocols found in the home and office, and identify key equipment in their operation.
4. Students will understand and use the tools to quickly assemble an inventory of files on disk, perform searches and locate temporary files such as browser caches.
5. Students will understand and demonstrate the special requirements of chain of custody for digital evidence.
Lab Reports | (7 x 10 points) | 70 points | 35% |
Reading | (5 x 10 points) | 50 points | 25% |
Written Exams | (2 x 25 points) | 50 points | 25% |
Performance Exams | (2 x 15 points) | 30 points | 15% |
Total | 200 points | 100% |
Textbook: Computer Evidence, Collection and Presentation. Brown, Christopher
Recommended: CHFE test prep book.
Other Readings: Check the Internet Resources page.
Students requiring special services or arrangements
because of hearing, visual, or other disability should
contact their instructor, counselor, or the Disability
Resource Center.
Occupational/Vocational students – Limited English
language skills will not be a barrier to admittance to
and participation in Vocational Educational Programs.
Students are expected to exercise academic honesty
and integrity. Violations such as cheating and plagiarism
will result in disciplinary action which may include
recommendation for dismissal.