csis 51

CSIS 51 Homework and Reading Assignments

What is Expected

There is approximately 1 assignment per week throughout the semester. Each is worth 5 points, for a combined total of 60 points, or 40% of your grade. This is how they will be graded.


5 points Top notch effort. Problem is correctly implemented, looks good and appropriately commented. One or more extensions to the problem have also been correctly implemented.
4 points Problem is completed, comments are clear and appropriate. Effort has been made for visual design and usability of the interface. One or more possible extensions to the problem have been begun or completed.
3 points The problem description is completed, with no extras. Any code that is not immediatly obvious is commented.
2 points Incomplete problem or wrong answers. Poor or wrong comments.
1 point Code does not compile or other major problems.
0 points No work done.

As you can see, a straightforward completion of the assignment will result in a passing grade, but not an 'A'. There are infinite possiblities to extend the problems to make them more useful to the client. In general, I am looking for you to demonstrate:

What to Turn In

For the programming assignments, you will create a new project for each week. In order to keep everything together, please turn in the entire folder, compressed into a single zip file. Please name the folder as follows: firstname_lastname_hw_X, where X is the number of the assignment.




Reading Assignment

Homework Assignment


Aug 31

Introduction & Tour

Chapters 1-3

Introduce yourself


Sept 7

Exploring IDE & First Program

Chapter 3 & 4

Page 3.82: Create a Currency Converter


Sept 14

Variables & Expressions

Chapter 4

Page 4.79: Slope and Intercept Calculation


Sept 21

Branching & Operators

Chapter 5

Page 5.74: Volume Computations


Sept 28


Chapter 6

Page 6.96: Create a Multiplication Table


Oct 5

Loops Handout   Practice!


Oct 12

Menus & Dialogs

Chapter 7

Page 7.102: Designing Menus to Change Control Properties


Oct 19

Midterm Exam


Nov 9

Functions & Arrays

Chapter 7

Page 7.99: Passing Parameters to Function and Sub Procedures


Nov 16

Debugging & Distributing

Chapter 8

Page 8.77: Create a Setup Program for a Windows Application
Project Proposal Due


Nov 23

Object Oriented Programming

Chapter 9

Page 9.84: Volume Computations Class Library


Nov 30

Databases, Exceptions & Printing

Chapter 10

Page 10.89: Printing a Report and Reading from a Database


Dec 7

Web Applications

Chapter 11

Page 11.75: Slope and Intercept Calculation Web Application


Nov 30

Console Apps & Text Files

Chapter 12

Page 12.81: Creating a Console Application with Arguments


Dec 7


Project Due



Final Exam