CSIS 24 Java Programming, Spring 2009

Catalog Description:

Introduction to Java programming. Includes learning the Java environment, using and creating Java applets, and writing stand-alone applications. Covers the Java environment, object-oriented programming, language basics, classes, interfaces, packages, threads, and exceptions. This course has the option of a letter grade or credit/no credit.


4 Hours: 3 Lecture, 3 Laboratory.


CSIS 45 C++ Programming or equivalent programming experience.


Peter Howell


Class Hours

Online class: This means that there are no regularly scheduled lectures, but you should be logging in regularly -- a few times a week. If you can work ahead, that is okay, but note the deadlines for assignments and forums.

Office Hours

Open computer lab, Sundays, 4:00 – 7:45 PM, at Morgan Hill center. The lab is available for you to work during that time. There are also two machines in the room near the front door that you can use when the building is open.

Campus web address


The web site is good place to look for a wide variety of information, such as college catalog, course description, phone numbers, etc.

Instructor class description

This class is a beginning programming class, but previous experience with C++ would make the class easier. We will work through much of the assigned textbook. You will need the textbook the first meeting of class. This is a difficult class. The material is difficult and there is a lot of homework.


This course has Credit/No Credit Option. You will normally get a grade in the class, but if you fill out a Credit/No Credit petition before 1/3 of the class has passed, you can take the class for credit/no credit. Petitions are available at the office or registrar. Please tell me if you do request a Credit/No Credit Option. In order to get a Credit, you need to earn at least a C grade.

Student Responsibilities

Read the text. You need spend several hours EVERY week on this class. If you disappear AND stop working on this class, I may drop you. Continue to work on assignments every week. If you are getting stuck, ask for help and advice in the forums.

Texts & Materials

Thinking in Java (4th Edition), by Bruce Eckel. ISBN 978-0131872486. You need the textbook the first day of class, and all assignments will be from the book. The book is available for very cheap from http://www.amazon.com or http://www.half.com. Or you can use the above supplied ISBN and got to the Web site: http://www.campusbooks.com/ and they will provide a comparison shopping for your textbook.

The most common characteristic of people that do not pass this course is that they did not buy a textbook. It is like trying to make a long trip with out a map - very difficult and in this case impossible. Another Java Programming book would be useful for reference.

You can save yourself a lot of wasted time and learn a lot more if you read the textbook.

Obtaining software

You can obtain a free copy of the Java compiler from http://java.sun.com. Select Java SE. You need to install this Java compiler on your computer if you plan to work at home. You can also do your work at the computer labs at the college.

You do not need a computer at home to do this class, but you can do homework outside class on other computers. One of the computer labs in the Business Building on the main Gilroy campus does have the software for this class.

Attend class

Do not get behind in the class. The class is accumulative. What you learn this week will be used to do the work next week. If you miss classes you will soon be lost. Plan to miss no classes. In Online classes, attending class means logging into the class each week and doing the assignments.


This course has Credit/No Credit Option. You will normally get a grade in the class, but if you fill out a Credit/No Credit petition before 1/3 of the class has passed, you can take the class for credit/no credit. Petitions are available at the office or registrar. Please tell me if you do request a Credit/No Credit Option. In order to get a Credit, you need to earn at least a C grade.

If you want or need a good grade because you want to transfer to a 4-year school, are on academic probation, want a scholarship, or just want good grades do the work for a good grade. Don't bother telling me you need a good grade the last week if you have not done the work for a good grade.

Course Learning Outcomes


I seldom give incompletes and never give them just because you have not done the work. Almost no one ever finishes an Incomplete. Occasionally, people that have been doing the class work have severe family or personal problems and I do give them an Incomplete.


If you stop attending class, you must fill out a class drop form or you will get an F grade in the class. This does not do you, me, or the school any good. So if you stop taking the class, drop it at the A&R office, or the front desk at Morgan Hill.

Special needs

If you have special needs such as hearing problem, visual problems, or other needs, please tell me after class and I will try to assist you.

After all that, this is a fun class. You will learn a lot that will help you in your other classes and help you obtain useful job skills. I am interested in suggestions about assignments, lectures, and the material covered.

Necessary math skills

If you are having trouble doing the math needed to solve the problems in the programming exercises, then you should take Math 233, Intermediate Algebra. We have noticed that one common reason students do not succeed in programming classes is the lack of math skills need to write programming algorithms. At many 4-year colleges, potential Computer Science (CS) students must take one year of calculus before becoming a CS major.

Next classes to take

The next classes you might take are CSIS 45 C++ Programming and CSIS 54 Perl Programming. In both classes the language syntax is very similar to Java, so that will give you a big help in those classes. Also, consider CSIS 51 Visual Basic Programming which you should find easy and there are a lot of jobs in all three languages. If you have not taken any programming classes, CSIS 10 Basic Programming would be a good place to start.