Sizing a Window with Maximize, Minimize , and RestoreYou may want to increase the size
of a window to see its full contents, or you may want to decrease
a windows size (even down to a button form on the task bar)
to make room for other windows.
Sizing a Window using the KeyboardTo maximize, minimize or restore a window with the keyboard, follow these steps on the Control Panel window: 1. Press Alt+ Spacebar (for
an application window) or Alt + - (for a document window)
to open the windows Control menu. To minimize and restore a window with the keyboard shortcut keys, follow these steps: 1. To minimize all windows, select
the Windows logo key + M. Procedures:To maximize, minimize, or restore
a window with the mouse, click the appropriate button. |
Address of this page is http://hhh.gavilan.edu/jmaringer/Windows7/7sizing.html | HTC Courses | DRC Home Page | |