Gavilan College, Gilroy, California

slide presentation graphic
Jane's Quick Tips
Tip 16
Inserting Video or Animated GIF

 slide presentation graphic

Inserting Video or Animated GIF

You can add video and animated GIFs to slides from files on your computer, the Internet, or the Microsoft Office collection. You can embed a video or link to a video in your PowerPoint presentation. When you embed your video, your video becomes part of the presentation. When you link to a video file, you need to include the video in the same folder as the presentation if you plan on showing the slideshow on another computer.

Insert Tab, Media Group, Video Button Arrow

Figure 1: Insert tab, Media group, Video button arrow


Video files can include video capture from a camera, commercial CD-Rom, QuickTime movies and the Internet. Video file formats include: Windows Media, Quicktime, Adobe Flash, and file extensions such as: .asf, .avi, .mov, .mp4, .mpg, mpeg, .swf or .wmv. If you use a Quicktime movie (.mov, .mp4) or Adobe Flash file (.swf), you must have the Quicktime and Adobe Flash players installed on your computer. Please Note: PowerPoint 2010 64-bit is not compatible with 32-bit versions of Quicktime or Flash: you must install a 64-bit version of Quicktime or Flash, or a 32-bit version of PowerPoint. Make sure you obtain copyright permission to link or embed video to a presentation.

An animated GIF file includes motion and has a .gif file extension. Though not technically videos, animated GIFs contain multiple images which stream to create an animation effect.

Embed a Video from a File:

Display the slide to which you want to embed your video.

1. Click on the Insert tab.
2. Under the Media group, click on the Video button arrow and select the
Video from File to insert video onto your slide.
3. The Insert Video dialog box displays.
4. Navigate to your video choice and click the Insert button.

Insert Video Dialog Box
Link to a Video File:

Display the slide to which you want to link your video.

1. Click on the Insert tab.
2. Under the Media group, click on the Video button arrow and select the
Video from File to insert video onto your slide.The Insert Video dialog box displays.
3. Locate your video and on the Insert button, click the down arrow, and then click the Link to file.


Insert Video Dialog box with Insert options list
Inserting Video from Web Site:

Display the slide to which you want to add your video from the web.

1. Click on the Insert tab.
2. In your browser, go to the website that contains the video that you want to link to, such as YouTube.
3. On the web site, locate the video, and then locate and copy the Embed code. (Even though it is called Embed code, you are linking your video not embedding it. Most web sites include an embed code, yet the locations will differ).
4. Under the Media group, click on the Video button arrow and select the Video from Web Site to insert video onto your slide.
5. The Insert Video From Web Site dialog box displays.
6. You need to paste the embed code from the Web site into the text box on the Insert Video From Web Site dialog box, and then click Insert.
* You can click on the Help and examples link for more detailed instructions.

Insert Video from Web site dialog box
Inserting Video from Clip Art Video:

Display the slide to which you want to add your video or animated .gif.

1. Pull down the Insert tab.
2. Under the Media group, click on the Video button arrow and select Clip Art Video to insert videos onto your slide.
3. When you choose Clip Art Video, your Clip Art task pane opens on the right side of the window to display available video clips as thumbnails.
4. Type the topic of your video in the Search for: text box at the top of the Clip Art task pane and click the Go button. Under the Results should be: drop-down list, make sure the Videos check box is checked under the Selected media file types.

5. Once you have selected the video or .gif file that you want to insert, click on the video or click on the down-arrow next to the video file and select Insert.

If you want to search for more video or GIF files, click on the link
Find more at and make sure you select the Animations checkbox.

Clip Art Task Pane with Movies Selected

Inserting Video from the Slide Layout Procedures:

1. You can choose the slide Layout button from the Home tab in the Slides group on the Ribbon.
2. Scroll down to display one of the slides with the Content icon. Click on one of the choices, such as the Title and Content slide layout.
3. Point and click on the Insert Media Clip icon on the right side of the bottom row of the Content icon; this will open the Insert Video dialog box.
. Navigate to your video file, select it and then click the Insert button.

Insert Media Clip icon
Once you insert the video file onto the slide, there are several ways you can start it: you can have it play automatically when the slide displays; you can click it with the mouse, or you can create a timing for it so that it plays after a certain delay.
See Quick Tip 16 for more details on customizing your video settings

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