Gavilan College, Gilroy, California

slide presentation graphic
Jane's Quick Tips
Tip 11
Inserting Picture Files

 slide presentation graphic

Inserting Picture Files

Picture files can include: digital files from your scanner, camera, CD-Rom & the Internet.

Insert, Tab Insert Picture button


1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2. Under the Images group, select the Picture button.

3. An Insert Picture dialog box opens up.
. Navigate to your picture choice and click the Insert button.

Insert Picture Dialog box

Inserting a Picture from the Slide Layout Procedures:

1. You can choose the slide Layout button from the Home tab in the Slides group on the Ribbon.
2. Scroll down to display one of the slides with the Content icon. Click on one of the choices, such as the Title and Content slide layout.
3. Point and click on the Insert Picture from File icon on the left side of the bottom row of the Content icon; this will open the Insert Picture dialog box.
. Navigate to your picture choice, select it and then click the Insert button.

Insert Picture icon

5. You can edit the Picture by selecting it and using the Picture Tools Format tab on the Ribbon.

Picture Tools Format tab

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