Gavilan College, Gilroy, California

slide presentation graphic
Jane's Quick Tips
Tip 15
Inserting Movie Clips or Animated GIF

 slide presentation graphic

Inserting Movie Clips or Animated GIF

You can add movies and animated GIFs to slides from files on your computer, the Internet, or the Microsoft Clip Organizer.

Insert tab with Movie button selected

Movie clips can include video capture from a camera, CD-Rom, QuickTime movies and the Internet. Video clips or "movie" files are desktop video files with formats such as: AVI, Quicktime, MPEG, and file extensions such as: .asf, .avi, .mov, .mpg, mpeg or .wmv.

An animated GIF file includes motion and has a .gif file extension. Though not technically movies, animated GIFs contain multiple images which stream to create an animation effect.

Once you insert the movie file onto the slide, there are several ways you can start it: have it play automatically when the slide displays; click it with the mouse; or create a timing for it so that it plays after a certain delay. It can also be part of an animation sequence.

Procedures to Insert Movie from File:

Display the slide to which you want to add music or sound effects.

1. Click on the Insert tab.
2. Under the Media Clips group, click on the down arrow next to the Movie button and select the Movie from File to insert video clips onto your slide.
3. Pull down the Look-in: drop-down list and navigate to your movie choice and click the Ok button.

Insert Movie dialog box

4. When you make your selection, a message is displayed asking whether you want to play the movie or GIF automatically or when you click on the movie.


Play automatically dialog box
Procedures to Insert Movie from Clip Organizer:

Display the slide to which you want to add music or sound effects.

1. Pull down the Insert Menu.
2. Under the Media Clips group, click on the down arrow next to the Media button and select Movie from Clip Organizer to insert sound clips onto your slide.
3. When you choose Movie from Clip Organizer, your ClipArt task pane opens on the right side of the window to display available movie clips as icons.
4. Type the topic of your movie in the Search for: text box at the top of the ClipArt task pane and click the Go button. Under the Results should be: drop-down list, make sure the Movies check box is checked under the Selected media file types.

5. Once you have selected the sound file that you want to insert, click on the down-arrow and select Insert.

Clip art task pane with movie selected

Please Note: Movie files are automatically linked to your file, rather than embedded inside it like pictures or drawings. When your presentation has linked files, you must copy the linked files as well as the presentation if you are going to be giving the presentation on another computer.

Adding a Movie from the Slide Layout Procedures:


Movie icon from Content layout

1. You can choose the Slide Layout button from the Home tab in the Slides group on the Ribbon.
2. Scroll down to display one of the slides with the Content icon. Click on one of the choices, such as the Title and Content slide layout.
3. Point and click on the Insert Media Clip on the right side of the bottom row of the Content icon; this will open the Insert Movie dialog box.

. Pull down the Look in: drop-down list, navigate to your movie choice, select it and then click the Insert button.

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