Humanities 3


Fall 2016

Grant Richards

Office: HU 111

Office Phone: 848-4710

Office Hours: 10:20 to 11:20 (Monday & Wednesday), 11:30-12:30 (Tuesday & Thursday), and by appointment.

E-mail Address:


Class Schedule

Extra Credit


Required Text:

        Flashback: A Brief History of Film (6th Edition)—Louis Giannetti & Scott Eyman


Course Objectives:

      This course provides an introduction to the cinema, which includes a view of the inventors and the technological developments that led to the modern motion picture; an historical perspective on the growth and development of cinema, including significant films that contributed to its establishment as an art form; a study of film genres such as the comedy, the musical, and the western; the technology of image and sound; and a look at the basic techniques of filmmakers when they attempt to convey meaning.      



     This class begins exactly when scheduled.   If you do not arrive on time, you will not only miss the beginning of the movies, but you will also disturb the viewing of them when you enter the classroom, so please make every effort to be on time.   Attendance--both physical and mental--is important to this course.   Attending class means more than just showing up.   You must come prepared to participate, having read and thought about all assigned readings and having completed all assigned work.   Experience has shown me that your work (and therefore your grades) will suffer if you miss class more than a couple of classes because your progress depends greatly on class discussions and activities.   Students who miss more than four classes will be dropped.



     Your final grade is based on your film project (30%), your midterm (25%), your film responses—one for every film we watch in class (10%), your class participation and attendance (10%), and your final exam (25%).   You must do all assigned work to pass the course.

Honesty Policy:

     Students are expected to exercise academic honesty and integrity.  Violations such as cheating and plagiarism will result in disciplinary action, which may include recommendation for dismissal.

ADA Accommodations:

      Students requiring special services or arrangements because of hearing, visual, or other disability should contact their instructor, counselor, or the Disabled Student Services Office. 

Occupational/Vocational Students:

      Limited English language skills will not be a barrier to admittance to and participation in Vocational Education Programs.