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computer monitor CSIS 572 WORKBOOK
Using List Boxes
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Using List Boxes

You use a list box to make a selection from a list of available options. For example, you use the Look In list box in the Open dialog box (see figure below) to select a file to open.

To select an item from a list box using the mouse:

1. Click on the appropriate list item.
2. In the Look In list box, notice that the item you select is automatically displayed in the linked text box above the list box.
3. Click Open or press Enter to accept the selection.
4. Click Cancel or press Esc to close the dialog box without making the selection.

Wordpad Open dialog box with parts identified
i.e. A text box and list boxes in the Open dialog box.

To select an item from a list box using the keyboard:

1. In the Look in list box, press the Alt key to make the menu bar active with selection letters.
2. Select F for the File menu and O for the Open dialog box.
3. Use the Tab key to navigate around the window and the arrow keys to move through the list and choose your selection. Press Enter to accept the selection.
4. If your selection is within a folder, use the Tab key to navigate to the Open command button. Press Enter to accept it. Use the arrow keys to move through the list and press Enter to accept the selection.

To select an item from a drop-down list box using the mouse:

1. Open the list box by clicking the down-arrow.
2. Click the appropriate list item.

To select a drop-down list box item using the keyboard:

1. Press Alt + selection letter to activate the list box.
2. Press the down arrow key to open the drop-down list box.
3. Press the up and down arrow keys or PageUp and PageDown to scroll through the list.
4. Press Enter to make your selection and close the dialog box.


1. Open the Start menu.
2. Click on the Programs menu.

3. Click on the Accessories submenu.
4. Click on the program called Wordpad.
5. Click on the File menu and select the Open function.
6. Try clicking on the various boxes utilizing the mouse and the keyboard.
7. Choose the Cancel command button to close the Open dialog box.

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Last updated September 20, 2005
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