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The Windows XP Desktop

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The Windows XP Desktop

Windows XP automatically starts when you turn on your computer. Depending on the way your computer is set up, you might be asked to enter your username and password.

Screenshot of a Windows XP desktop with Parts Identified

Elements of the Windows XP Desktop

Icon-a small picture that represents an object available to your computer.

Pointer-a small object, such as an arrow, that moves on the screen when you move the mouse.

Desktop-your workplace on the screen.

Date/Time-shows the current date and time and lets you set the clock. Generally located in the lower right corner of the desktop.

Start Button-provides access to Windows XP programs, documents, and information on the Internet. Generally located in the lower left corner of the desktop.

Taskbar-Contains buttons that give you quick access to common tools and the programs currently running. Generally located along the bottom of the desktop.

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Last updated September 20, 2005
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