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Closing an Unruly Window

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Closing an Unruly Window

You can close an unruly program or one that is not responding without having to shut down Windows. However, when you close an unruly program, you will lose any information you did not save in the program. Closing an unruly program should not affect other open programs.

Closing an Unruly Window using the Mouse

To close an unruly window with the keyboard, press and hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys as you press the Delete key.

The Windows Task Manager window appears and lists the programs that are currently running. The phrase Not Responding appears beside the name of an unruly program.

Screenshot of Windows Task Manager Window

 i.e. Windows XP Task Manager window.

Click the program that is unruly or misbehaving.

Click the End Task button and select Enter.

The End Program dialog box appears, stating that the program is not responding.

Click the End Now button to close the program.

Click Close button button to close the Windows Task Manager window.

Closing an Unruly Window using the Keyboard

To close an unruly window with the keyboard, press and hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys as you press the Delete key.

The Windows Task Manager window appears and lists the programs that are currently running. The phrase Not Responding appears beside the name of an unruly program.

Use the Tab key or the arrow keys to select the program that is unruly or misbehaving.

Tab to the End Task button and select Enter.

The End Program dialog box appears, stating that the program is not responding.

Tab to the End Now button and select Enter to close the program.

Select ALT + F4 to close the Windows Task Manager window.

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Last updated September 20, 2005
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