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Sizing a Window
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Sizing a Window with Maximize, Minimize Minimize, maximize and close buttons, and Restore Minimize, restore and close buttons

You may want to increase the size of a window to see its full contents, or you may want to decrease a window’s size (even down to a button form on the task bar) to make room for other windows.

One way to resize a window is to use the Maximize, Minimize, and Restore commands.
If you use the mouse, you will use the Maximize, Minimize, and Restore buttons located on the right side of the window’s title bar.

If you use the keyboard, you can use the Maximize, Minimize, and Restore menu commands on the Control menu. The following list defines the purpose of each of these buttons and commands:

  • Select the Maximize button or command to enlarge the window to its maximum size. Maximize button
  • Select the Minimize button or command to reduce the window to a button on the taskbar. Minimize button
  • Select the Restore button or command to return a window to the size it was before it was maximized. (The Restore button and command are available only after a window has been maximized.) Restore button


To maximize, minimize, or restore a window with the mouse, click the appropriate button.

1. Put your floppy disk in the A:/drive.
2. Open the A:/ floppy drive window and try all three buttons.

To maximize, minimize, or restore a window with the keyboard, follow these steps on the Control Panel window:

1. Press Alt+ Spacebar (for an application window) or Alt + - (for a document window) to open the window’s Control menu.
2. Select the Restore, Minimize, or Maximize command from the menu.

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Last updated January 24, 2005
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