Gavilan College, Gilroy, California

slide presentation graphic
Jane's Quick Tips
Tip 21
Inserting a SmartArt Graphic

 slide presentation graphic
Inserting a SmartArt Graphic

A SmartArt graphic is a designer-quality visual representation of information that you can create by choosing from among many different layouts to effectively communicate your message or ideas. SmartArt graphics can illustrate processes, hierarchies, cycles, lists, and relationships. You can include text and pictures in a SmartArt graphic, and you can apply colors, effects, and styles that coordinate with the presentation theme.

Insert Tab with SmartArt button arrow

Figure 1: Insert Tab with SmartArt button selected
SmartArt Graphic Type Purpose of Graphic
List Shows non-sequential information.
Process Shows steps in a process or timeline.
Cycle Shows a continual process.
Hierarchy Shows a decision tree or create an organization chart.
Relationship Illustrates connections.
Matrix Shows how parts relate to a whole.
Pyramid Shows proportional relationships with the largest component on the top or bottom.
Picture Includes pictures in the layout to communicate messages and ideas.
Inserting a SmartArt Graphic:

1. Click on the Insert tab.
2. In the Illustrations group, click on the SmartArt button, and the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box displays.
3. Click on the type of SmartArt graphic and select Ok.

4. To add text, just start typing when the shape is selected.



Choose a Smart Art Graphic Dialog box
Inserting a SmartArt Graphic from the Slide Layout Procedures:

1. You can choose the slide Layout button from the Home tab in the Slides group on the Ribbon.
2. Scroll down to display one of the slides with the Content icon. Click on one of the choices, such as the Title and Content slide layout.
3. Point and click on the Insert SmartArt Graphic icon on the right side of the top row of the Content icon; this will open the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box.
4. Navigate to your graphic choice, select it and then click the Ok button.

Insert a SmartArt Graphic icon
Editing your SmartArt Graphic:
You can edit the SmartArt graphic by selecting it, and using the SmartArt Tools Design tab or by using the SmartArt Tools Format tab on the Ribbon.
SmartArt Tools Design tab
Figure 2: SmartArt Tools Design tab
SmartArt Tools Format tab
Figure 3: SmartArt Tools Format tab

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