black spider on red firey background

Gavilan College
CSIS 6/ DM 6/ LIB 6

Webpage Authoring

Lesson 15
The Box Model

Boxes vs tables

Rather than using tables, and all those tedius table, tr, and td tags, we could use the CSS concept of the box. Using this box model, we can create a stylesheet that works off our p tags.

The box model describes a rectangular box and the placement of material inside that box. The 3 essential properties that help us do this are:

  1. margin - the area outside the box, between the border of the box and the edge of the monitor screen (or another div).
  2. padding - the area between the content of the box and the border of the box.
  3. border - the line separating the margin and the padding.

graphic of padding, border and margin around a  box of text

On your screen, neither one of the black lines will show. The red border line will show if you have a border: 1px value in your stylesheet (or any value other than zero).

Remember our .spec1 style for changing the font color and boldness of text? We can make a new .spec2 style that can include the color, but also set the margins, padding, and border dimensions.

Inside of your folder on the site, click on the little diamond shape in front of the name of the file (13.css), select 'edit' from the dropdown menu, then add the coding below:

I've copied my .spec1 style, changed the name to .spec2, changed the font-weight to normal, and then set the margin at 2 em (1 em is the space taken up by the capital letter M), the padding at 2, and the border to solid, thin, and black.

I've set the background color of the paragraph to dark blue, almost black. You'll want to change those border and background color codes. Remember those codes you picked out back in lesson 11. Try to repeat colors, or lighter or darker hues of already-used colors. Or leave out the background color. See how you like that effect.

.spec1 {font-weight: bold; color: #DFFA00;
.spec2 {font-weight: normal; color: #DFFA00;
margin: 2em;
padding: 2em;
border: solid thin #000000;
background: #270E55;

Next, I need to change the coding in 13.html, to use that new style:

<h1 class="spec1">This heading is special.</h1>

<p class="spec2">This paragraph is special.
But it's so dangerous, they say...

Notice the heading is still using the .spec1 style (bold, green text), but the paragraph is using the new .spec2 style, setting the margins and background color.
screenshot of box styling


In Penelope's page, you can hardly see that single black line border against the dark green background, but you can change that to a different color, or erase the border completely so you'll get that floating, less-defined look. You can also set the style of the border to dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset.

border-style: double

You can set the border width to thin, medium, or thick, or you can set the specific pixel thickness.

border-style: groove; border-width: thick;
border-style: dashed; border-width: 2px;

You can also set each border (border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left) as a different style or thickness.

.spec3 {border-width: 1px 2px 3px 4px; border-style: solid double dashed dotted;}

That bit of coding will give you a one-pixel-wide solid top border, the right border will be a double line, 2 pixels wide; the bottom will be a dashed line 3 pixels wide, and the left margin will be a dotted line, 4 pixels wide.

dotted, dashed and doubled border

There is a strict order for designating space around the screen. CSS always follows this order, and if you don't stick to it, you'll get into trouble:

Top Right Bottom Left



You can add as many different classes as you want. Just remember to

  • start them with a dot,
  • enclose all the attributes between curly brackets,
  • separate each property and value pair with a colon (:) and a space,
  • end each pair with a semicolon (;).

These styles will go into the css document.


.blue {
margin: 2em;
padding: 2em;
border: solid thin #000033;
background: #ccccff;

And then you have to call up these classes in your html document:

<p class="blue">Riding your bike will make you healthy, wealthy and wise....</p>

The Floating Concept

Instead of the boxed paragraphs, we could use floating elements to break up our page. You can float text or images to the left or right of your main body of text. Like img tags, these won't work with a center alignment.

You can add the coding on the right to your 13.css style sheet. This will give you a floating text box, to the left of your main body of text. The text in the main body will wrap around beneath the box if it is long enough.

We first open a style called floatbox, give it a width and height, float it on the left side, and give it an orange background. The /*orange*/ is a comment tag. You can put comments anywhere in your document to help you keep track of what you're doing.

The height of this box is set at 230 pixels, long enough for my image (179 px long), plus some space left over for text. For your own page, change this to fit the amount of words (or space needed by an image) you want to use. Otherwise, your words will spill out of the box and get printed over the main paragraph.

We're also giving the box a padding, a margin and that same dark blue border of 3 pixels (repeating colors).

Floatboxes let you put up images and text, so I've changed the color of the text to a darker purple: color: #54228C. This will show up better on my orange background color.

.floatbox {
width: 220px;
height: 230px;

float: left;
background-color: #FFB700; /*orange*/
color: #54228C;
padding: 1em;
margin-right: 2em;
border: solid #54228C 3px;

You can also float just an image, either to the right or left. You don't have to specify a size, like the floatbox class, but you don't get to add text either. That border color is another opportunity to pick up and repeat pieces of your color scheme

Both of these styles get added to your 13.css stylesheet.

.right {float: right;
border: solid #54228C 3px;

In your 13.html document, you'll have to make these changes:

Right after opening up the .content division, open the floating textbox. The <p> tag will do this, using the attribute class="floatbox". I've put in some words and an image. A simple closing </p> tag will get me out of the floating box.

Right after that, I'll open up my floating image. Again, I simply add an attribute class="right", this time to the img tag, instead of a <p> tag.

Floatbox classes get added to the <p> tag; right class gets added to the <img> tag.

And then I continue on with the main content.

<div class="content">

<p class="floatbox">Riding into the sunset<br>
<img src="bike15a.jpg" alt="bike silhouette" width="200" height="179"></p>

<img class="right" src="bike15d.jpg" width="200" height="323"
alt="harried man on a bike">

<h1>Bikes are fun!</h1>

Here's what my home page will look like with these changes. I've changed the paragraph color to a lighter blue and put boxes around the different divisions to give you a clearer idea of how we designed it.

page designed with css

This is an illustration of how we would have divided the page using tables:

layout using tables

You can see that this could become much more tedious. It also illustrates the argument that using stylesheets allows you to code by design, what you want in each area, rather than by the layout constrictions of a table.


downhill racing

Conclusions about using CSS

  • Stylesheets help unify a multi-page site. Through stylesheets, it's much easier to have the same headings, link styles, backgrounds, color schemes and other details on each of the pages, letting your users know instantly that they're still on your site. Remember the Repetition maxim from a few lessons back? This is a way to have it taken care of automatically. And you can still have flexibility by adding another class.
  • Stylesheets make for easier reading for the visually impaired. Those automated readers have an easier time translating div sections than they do tables.
  • Stylesheets make it easier to design by concept, rather than the strict grid of tables.
  • Using stylesheets is less tedious than all those tr, td, and table tags.

Sometimes though, it's just easier to whip out a table and forget the stylesheet business.

There are several websites out there that have more information on stylesheets, how to form them, and how to use them.



Use the stylesheets here for modifying your two html documents: 13.html and your second html page, and your one stylesheet document, 13.css, from Lesson #14.
  1. In your 13.css document:
    1. Create a style that will set the margin, padding and border properties, much like a row or cell in a table. Change the background color of the box, and the border around the box to suit your own website.

      .spec2 {
      margin: 2em;
      padding: 2em;
      border: solid thin #000000;
      background: #270E55;

    2. Add two floating elements, a floatbox (.floatbox) that you can use for images or text, and a floating image style (.right). Set one on the left and one on the right. Change the color codes to match your own color schemes.

      .floatbox {
      width: 220px;
      height: 230px;
      float: left;
      background-color: #FFB700; /*orange*/
      color: #54228C;
      padding: 1em;
      margin-right: 2em;
      border: solid #54228C 3px;
      .right {float: right;
      border: solid #54228C 3px;

    3. Save your stylesheet as 13.css.
  2. In one or both of your two html documents:
    1. Add a paragraph that uses the new class that sets the padding, margin, border, and background color.
    2. Add a floating image with a text heading or caption, using the .floatbox class with a <p> tag.
    3. Add a simple image with no text using the .right class with an <img> tag.
    4. Save all your files.

Remember to copy and paste as much as you can. This is not a typing class. You can see the coding for Penelope's page and the stylesheet changes at:

I've changed the names of Penelope's files to 15.html and 15.css. I've only done this so that our original 13.css and the pages that linked to that would stlll be available for examples. You don't have to rename anything. You can just modify the files that you have for assignments 13 and 14.

  1. Upload any images you've added to your site.
  2. Click on the title of your html documents and make sure everything is working, or as close as you can get it.
  3. Find Assignment #15 in the classroom, and paste in the URL to your front page.

Find a dog or cat to pet.


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Last updated June 26, 2021
For questions please contact Jo Anne Howell at