English 1A
Gavilan College
Website Components
  • Announcements: This is where I post all announcements, including updated due dates, and general information. Check this link several times a week!
  • Questions:  Post your general questions here.  Ask questions about the class, about specific assignments, or other class-related matters.
  • Cafe 1A: Post your favorite photos, links, etc. Blog about whatever is on your mind. This area is for you all to use as you see fit - within reasonable parameters, of course.
  • Extra Credit Forums: Share your writing with other students, comment on someone else's writing, make a book recommendation and more! Extra Credit!
  • Weekly Schedule: In this link you'll find the daily class schedule, including due dates and links to the individual assignments. Check this link often to review instructions for assignments, and plan for upcoming due dates.
  • Course Description: This link contains an overview of the class, including goals, requirements, and advisories
  • Modules: The modules are the equivalent of lectures in a face to face class.  Each topic will include a checklist, a reading assignment, a seminar forum,and a series of written assignments to complete.
  • Seminars: Each module has one or more seminars. The seminars have two parts:  written and discussion.  The written assignment asks you to reflect on a question or questions, and the discussion portion asks you to post one of your written responses, and discuss the posts with other students. You will spend most of your time here when you're logged in, reading postings from other students, and responding to them.
  • Assignments: Each module has several written assignments.  The written assignments include journals, essays, and responses to various questions about the material.  See individual modules for details about each assignment, or visit the Weekly Schedule page.
  • Messages:  You can send private messages to your instructor or other members of the course with the Messages function. 
  • Participants:  This link takes you to the profiles of all the students in the class.  You can click on your own profile to update it, add a photo, etc.

Take your time and explore each link until you understand its contents, and how the class is organized overall. You'll get familiar with these areas of the website as you navigate through them. 

next section: Grading Standards