English 1A
Gavilan College
Seminar 8, Louv, Last Child in the Woods
Note: When posting in the forums, please choose the correct forum thread and use the "reply" function
Do not click "Add A New Discussion Topic"

Note: Your seminar grade will be determined by the quantity of your responses (how many questions you answer and how many other students you respond to) and the quality (how well you demonstrate an understanding of the ideas you're responding to, how detailed your responses are, how coherent and in-depth they are, etc.)


1. Read Last Child in the Woods , pages 235 - 316 (Chapters 18-23)

2. Choose two questions from the list below and respond with 3-5 paragraphs. Include quotes and/or specific references to the text to back up your responses.

Extra Credit Opportunity: Answer an additional question from the list below, and respond to two other students in the discussion topic of your choice.

No matter what questions you choose, make sure you discuss whether you agree with Schlosser’s assessments and claims, and why.

Legal Reform: In Chapter 18, "The Education of Judge Thatcher: Decriminalizing Natural Play ", Louv takes on 'recreational use' statutes. How does Louv think our laws pertaining to wild public spaces affect children? What does he think we should do about it? Do you agree with his assessments that we should overhaul our legal culture regarding nature? Why or why not?

Rural Oases : In Chapter 19, "Cities Gone Wild " Louv provides examples of American cities that have adopted policies and practices that support contact with nature. Summarize a few examples in our nation of the growing attention to nature in civic planning. What are your thoughts on these examples? Does it seem worth the time, energy and resources that Louv describes? Why or why not?
Natural Future : In Chapter 20, "Where the Wild Things Will Be: A New Back-to-the-Land Movement ", what is the 'larger vision' that Louv thinks we need in this country? What are the key components of this vision, which he thinks will lead to 'a better way to live'? In Louv's ideal vision, where will be in 50 years? Do you agree with his ideas on how we should get there? Why or why not?

God and Mother Nature : In Chapter 21, "The Spritual Necessity of Nature for the Young " Louv discusses the connection between nature and a spiritual and/or religious life. How do nature and religion intersect in our culture, in Louv's opinion? Do you agree with his conclusions about faith, worship, spirituality and nature? Why or why not?

From Boredom to Discovery : In Chapter 22, "Fire and Fermentation: Building a Movement ", Louv discusses why he can ultimately see the nature/child divide with some measure of optimism. What are the sources of his optimism? Do you share it? Why or why not?

3. Save your work as a .doc or .rtf document and submit your response by midnight on Monday, 3/24.

4. Post your responses to the appropriate forum by midnight on Monday 3/24.

5. Read all the other students' posts throughout the seminar period.

6. Respond to at least two other student's posts from the discussion topic of your choice (more is better). You will have until midnight, Monday 3/31, to read and respond to the other students' ideas in the website.