English 1A
Gavilan College

English 1A
Research/ Argument Essay
2400 - 3600 words (8-12 pages)


To demonstrate knowledge of the technique of argument; to demonstrate ability to present and defend a thesis that takes a stand; to provide concrete, specific evidence from the source itself to support that thesis, to demonstrate familiarity with research skills and techniques, including finding and evaluating sources, summarizing and documenting sources in MLA format.


1.  Review all materials from Modules 4 and 5 on the argument technique and the research process and guidelines. 

2.  Follow the steps in the research process to write your paper.

  • Remember, you are now arguing for what you really do believe in.  You will want to answer some of the points made in essay #3.
  • Review the characteristics of a good argument and check your paper for them, to make sure your argument is as strong as it can be. Make sure you are on the lookout for logical fallacies.
  • Include a mixture of rational, ethical and emotional appeal for maximum persuasive power.
  • Include examples from your own life to engage the reader - just because it's a research/argument paper doesn't mean you can't insert yourself and your own experiences in.
  • Your tone should be reasonable, confident and persuasive, not confrontational, sarcastic, condescending or belligerent.  
  • Make sure your sources are credible and scholarly.
  • Make sure you follow MLA format to cite your sources. 
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