English 1A
Gavilan College
Lib737 - Avoiding Plagiarism

Lib737 is a new pilot program that we are testing for the very first time this semester. It is meant to introduce to students the guidelines for beginning research and avoiding plagiarism. The goal is to familiarize students with the process for annotating and summarizing outside sources in preparation for the Inquiry Project.

This class was developed by our reference librarian, and is designed to be used by all disciplines that require research. It is by complete (and happy) coincidence that some of the material referenced in the class relates to our chosen book Fast Food Nation.

The class should show up on your left menu bar as Lib737. When you click on it, you will notice that the class is divided into six lessons, each consisting of a reading, and sometimes an exercise or series of exercises. You will complete two lessons a week. In order to get full credit for the lesson, you must get at least 80% on all exercises related to that lesson.

Lessons 1 and 2: due Monday, 3/15
Lessons 3 and 4: due Monday, 3/22
Lessons 5 and 6: due Monday, 3/

When you have completed all six lessons, you will be asked to complete an evaluation of the class, so that we know how effective and helpful you found it while working on the Inquiry Project.

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