English 1A
Journal #7

Now that we're a little past midway through the class, let's take stock, shall we?

The following questions are designed to help you identify areas of strength and weakness so you can customize your plan for the remaining weeks, the better to acheive the goal/s you set at the beginning of the class. Answer them in as much or as little detail as you wish.

1. Remind yourself (and me) of your goal/s for this class: what did you want to get out of the class? Has that changed at all since the beginning of the semester? If so, how?

2. How satisfied are you with your performance so far?

3. What has been the biggest challenge? How have you adjusted your approach to meet that challenge, if at all?

4. What changes will you make, if any, to ensure that you reach the goal/s that you set yourself at the beginning of the semester?

5.  Is there anything else I can do to help you meet your goals?

6. Anything else you'd like me to know?

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