English 1A
Gavilan College
Journal 2 - Class and Privilege

Purpose: to examine how life experiences influence attitudes toward class and privelege, to question assumptions about class, in preparation for the essays by Will and Kohn, and for the argument response essay.

Introduction:  The next two essays we will read, by Will and Kohn, each look at socioeconomic privelege and income disparity from a different perspective.What are your thoughts about the inequality of wealth in this country?


Note: The journals are intended to be a way for you to explore ideas that you might later wish to refine in a paper or a discussion.  I will not censor these journals in any way, nor will I grade them on content or grammar (though, like the seminars, they must be coherent and display some measure of critical thinking about the question at hand). You do not have to answer all the questions, nor do you have to confine yourself to these questions. Write about whatever is on your mind. 

Write a page or two about your attitudes on class and privelege.

Some questions to consider

  • How would you classify yourself economically?  Where would you place yourself on the socioeconomic ladder?
  • Has your socioeconomic situation changed throughout your life, or remained relatively stable?
  • Do you see yourself as leading a priveleged life?  In what ways are you priveleged? 
  • What is the role of poverty or hardship in your life?  Have you ever experienced it or witnessed it close up?  If so, what effect did it have on you?  If not, what conditions have you had in your life that shielded you from poverty? 
  • Do you remember when you first became aware that there was such a thing as class structure?
  • What were you taught as a child about class and money? Did you accept what you were taught?  Why or why not?
  • What do you think about the unequal distribution of wealth in this nation, and in the world?  Do you think it's a problem? If so, why, and what can we do about it? If not, why not?
  • To what degree do you believe people determine their own station in life?  In other words, to what extent do you believe people can choose their place on the socioeconomic ladder?
  • Whose, if anyone's, responsibility is it to take care of those that can't care for themselves?