English 1A
Gavilan College

Formal Essay #2, Response to Singer or Will
1200-1500 words (4-6 pages)

To engage with the techniques introduced in the Hacker book and in lecture
To analyze the ideas of another author.
To practice the steps necessary for a sound argument.
To practice responding to another person's ideas.
To practice identifying logical fallacies.


In this essay, you will be summarizing and responding to either the George Will or the Pete Singer essay.

1. Read your chosen essay and think about what the author is saying. You should be able to identify the author's topic, thesis and supporting points. As a brainstorming exercise, you may want to make a list of the author's main ideas and your own response to them.

2. Organize your response to the author's point of view.

First, determine your response. Do you agree or disagree?

If you agree, why? What points seem to be the most compelling? What examples can you think of in your own life that bear out the author's ideas? What more could you add to bolster the author's argument?

If you disagree, why? Where could you tear that argument apart? What are the logical fallacies presented? What points does the author fail to consider deeply enough? Does the author present any inaccuracies? Which of the author's supporting points will you respond to, and in what order? What evidence, examples, and experiences will you use to back up your own point of view?

3. Begin Writing. An easy way to organize your essay would be to summarize the author's ideas, and then respond to them one by one, offering your own point of view as you agree or disagree. You are not bound by this organizing principle, but you would not go wrong if you chose to approach it that way. As you respond, please include quotes from the article or essay to which you are responding. You can include other points or ideas that were not brought up in the essay, but which contribute to your own point of view. Your conclusion should refer back to the author whose points you are considering.

4. Revise. Use the global revision checklist from your Hacker book, as well as the materials from Module 3.

7. Relax with your favorite beverage! Congratulations on finishing Essay #2.

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