English 1A
Gavilan College

Formal Essay #3, Research Project
2000-3000 words (8-12 pages)



1. Choose a Topic

Your topic should have something to do with what we've been reading and discussing in Shipler's The Working Poor . What did you find interesting about the book? Anything that you particularly agreed with, disagreed with, or wanted to know more about? You can choose a topic that Shipler covers in depth (the seminars are a good jumping off place, if any of them interested you particularly.) You could also choose a topic more loosely related to Shipler's ideas.

The paper could be an argument/persuasive paper, where you take a stand and argue a point. It could be merely informational, where you present facts, historical perspectives, etc. It could be a cause-and-effect paper, where you trace the causes and effects of a particular issue or idea. You might choose to go in a completely different direction. You are limited only by your imagination and your own passions and beliefs.

Here are a few suggestions, if you are stuck for a topic. Remember, you are free to choose whatever topic you want; you do not have to confine yourself to this list. The only requirement is that the topic be somehow related to the material presented in the book.

  • The origins of the current economic crisis in America
  • The political and philosophical divide in America about how to handle the economic crisis
  • The causes and/or effects of poverty in general (political, economic, physical, psychological, social, emotional, etc)
  • Sweatshop labor
  • Immigration and work
  • The links between race and poverty
  • The effect of media and advertising on consumers
  • Any of the companies or corporations mentioned in the book (Walmart, Burger King, Xerox, etc)
  • The effects of poverty on children (including unborn children: social, physical, psychological, etc.
  • The links between poverty and substance abuse
  • The links between poverty and crime
  • The criminal justice system in America
  • The connections between poverty and health (physical and mental health)
  • The effects of education on poverty
  • The American welfare system
  • The efficacy of the American education system (pre-K, K-12 and/or higher education)
  • The links between poverty and violence (including domestic violence and child abuse)
  • Solutions (current and historical) to the problem of poverty in our nation (including educational solutions, job training programs, welfare, health care, etc)
  • The links between domestic poverty and a globalized world (including outsourcing of jobs, imported workers, etc)
  • Poverty in America vs. poverty in other countries
  • The Labor movement in America
  • Free choice - propose another topic inspired by the reading and/or discussions.

Keep in mind: you can argue with points that Shipler makes, if you disagree with him or see flaws in his logic.

2. Identify your issue and create a list of questions or avenues of inquiry.

What is the issue or problem, as you see it? What do you already know about this issue? What more would you like to know? Who does the issue or problem affect, and how? What are the direct and indirect causes of this issue or problem? What might be some solutions or further recommendations? What are the historical roots of the issue you've chosen and how do those roots contribute to what we see today? How has this issue affected you personally, or people you know?

3. Develop a research strategy. Where will you go to get the answers to your questions?

4. Find and evaluate information. Find credible sources to help you develop your ideas about your topic.

5. Create an Annotated Bibliography to keep track of your information.

6. Formulate a thesis and an outline of the main supporting points.

7. Create a rough draft with citations.

Make sure you are using both parenthetical (in-text) citations and a final Works Cited! The final copy of the Works Cited will be an updated version of your Annotated Bibliography, without the annotations.

8. Proofread, edit, revise and submit!

9. Relax with your favorite beverage. Congratulations

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