English 1A
Gavilan College

Class/Self Evaluation


To review your progress this semester, to offer suggestions and advice for next semester.


I use these evaluations to plan for next semester, and appreciate constructive criticism. Your frankness will be much appreciated. You will notice that the questions pertain only to the content of the class, not the technological component.

A thousand thanks for all your hard work and earnestness!


1. Answer each question as briefly or in-depth as you wish.

  • What did you consider to be the most interesting or helpful idea, assignment or reading from this semester? Why?
  • What was the least helpful or interesting idea, assignment or reading? Why?
  • What did you think the online format of the class? Did you feel being online helped you in your progress, or did it get in your way? Do you have a different view of online education than you did in the beginning of the class? Do you think you'd take another hybrid or online class sometime? Why or why not?  
  • Do you feel prepared for higher levels of academic work, in English or other disciplines?
  • What questions or concerns do you still have about your progress as a writer or a student?
  • What advice would you give other students who are considering taking this class?
  • Any other questions, comments or observations? 

2. Submit your responses.

3. Relax for good in your favorite chair with your favorite beverage, with the happy knowledge of your success in English 1A.  Congratulations.

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