Module 3 Assignment Checklist (6/25 - 7/1)


Analysis Resources

    Analysis Technique: E. Crook, English 1A, Gavilan College
    The Analytical Essay: UMass Amherst Writing Center


Thesis Resources

     Writing a Thesis Statement: OWL at Purdue University

     The Analytical Thesis Statement: UT Austin Undergrad Writing Center

Sample Analysis Essays:

     Harold Miner, Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

     Jessica Mitford, Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain

Book Vote (Due Tuesday, 6/26)
Seminar #3 Prewrite (Due Wednesday, 6/27)

Journal #2 (due Friday 6/29)
Analysis Essay (due Sunday 7/1)

Seminar #3 (Monday 6/25 - Sunday 7/1)


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