English 1A
Gavilan College

Book Vote - Non Fiction

Instructions: Click on the link for a review, synopsis and picture of each book. When you've made your choice, go back to Module 1 and vote.

A word about the books:  These books were culled from a much longer list, using a set of criteria that I worked out specifically for this class. First, I wanted the book to be expository in nature, as opposed to fiction or literary book. Additionally, the books I chose aren't part of the canon of "classics", mostly because I felt like presenting something different, something students may not have encountered before in an English class. The books are inter-disciplinary, and require you to look at complex issues from a variety of perspectives. Lastly, I chose the books because they all tackle hard truths about modern culture and the world we live in today.  These books have implications for all readers, but they are especially relevant to young American scholars, who have the power and energy and vision to make changes in the world.

And now, without further ado, I present your book list:

No Logo
Fast Food Nation
Culture Jam
The Working Poor

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