English 1A
Essay #3 - Argument/Research Essay
2400 - 3600 words (8-12 pages)


To practice the techniques for creating and evaluating a strong argument
To practice research skills, including searching and evaluating sources, incorporating information, properly citing sources and avoiding plagiarism, and using proper MLA format.


In this essay, you'll be taking a position on some issue and arguing your point of view to a particular audience, using research to back up your postion.


 Before you begin, please read all the materials on argument and research in Module 4. You will be responsible for all the information there. Here are the steps for a research project.  You will find more information about each step in the Module 6 resource entitled Research Process

1.   Choose a topic. 

2.   Ask a series of questions.
4.   Plan a search strategy.
5.   Find and Evaluate Sources
6.   Gather and Manage Information
6.   Formulate a thesis      
7.   Organize your points, including research findings, into an outline
8.   Write a rough draft, incorporating your research
9.    Revise draft and cite with proper MLA format.
10.  Save your work as a .doc or a .rtf document, and submit it as an attachment.    
11.  Relax in the sun or shade with your favorite beverage, and propose a toast to yourself - you have completed the requirements for the English 1A Research Project. Woohoo!