English 1A
Gavilan College
Grading Standards

Your formal essays will be graded on four sets of criteria, as listed below.  Each category will be worth 25% of the paper’s overall grade.  (Note: the research essay has an additional category for research format.)

When you get your graded papers back, pay attention to the scores given to each category.  If you consistently find yourself scoring lower in one particular category, it probably indicates that you need to spend some extra time studying or practicing that aspect of writing.  If you don’t understand why you received a score in a particular area, please see me during office hours or set up an email or phone conference.  I would welcome the chance to explain more in-depth how I arrived at the score, and to offer specific suggestions for revision and more practice.

An “A” paper will feature all of the following qualities:

The writer meets MLA format standards.  The writer uses appropriate words, and doesn’t misspell words.  The essay is free from basic grammar errors in punctuation, subject/pronoun agreement and verb tense.  Sentence structure helps to clarify the writer’s thoughts.  Writer demonstrates clear understanding of the assignment and the techniques featured in the assignment.
The writer's sequence of thought proceeds logically and smoothly. Each paragraph has a clear focus. Transitions between ideas are smooth. The introductions hooks the reader and hints at what to expect. By the end of the essay, the reader understands the author's intent.

Voice and Style
The writer's style is engaging and confident. The point of view is consistent throughout the essay. The writer uses a proper academic tone, college level vocabulary and clear language. The use of passive voice is limited.

Thesis and Evidence
The essay's main point is clear, whether in a thesis statement or implied.  The writer’s views are reasonable and worth considering.  The writer draws on strong, relevant examples.  There are no major gaps in the essay’s content.  The essay displays college level content, depth of thought and logic.  The writer’s ideas are engaging and have some relevance to the reader.

It may help to notice that the initials of these qualities spell “GOVT” which is the abbreviation for “government.”  This is appropriate because these are the principles that govern any academic paper – from one page to 1000.  If you can write each paper with these principles in mind, you will soon find that writing academic papers isn’t as hard as you thought!

next section: MLA Format