Research Project

Thesis/Audience Update


To review research material; to craft a strong persuasive thesis, to arrange supporting points to effectively, to consider audience, tone and style


Since it's pointless to try and persuade someone who already agrees with you, you must think of your audience being made up of people who don't totally agree with you, or actively disagree. To convince them, you will need to be able anticipate and have an answer for their questions and opposing points.  You will need to use a mixture of emotional, rational and ethical appeals; the proportion of each type of appeal, as well as the tone and style of the paper, depends on the specific audience you are going after.


Review the assignment for the Research Essay, review your collected research materials, and write a brief response to each of the following ten questions: 

What is your proposed thesis? 

Who will your audience be? 

What do they already believe about this topic? 

How do you intend to persuade them that your position is reasonable?

Which specific points will your audience want to see addressed?

What questions do you anticipate they will have?

What kind of tone will work best for your audience?  

Which appeals will work best, and in what proportion?

Which of your outside sources will help support which points?

What questions do you have for me about your project?

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