English 1A - Essay #4, The Research Essay, Self Evaluation

The objective of this evaluation is to scrutinize your own writing process, identify the areas that are giving you trouble, and to plan a strategy for overcoming any barriers in the future. As such, you will need to provide a detailed, honest answer for each question in order to receive full credit for this exercise.

1. What was the experience of writing an argument/research essay like for you? Did you feel prepared for the requirements of MLA format and for academic research?

2. What was the most challenging part of this essay? Why?

3.  How convincing did you think your argument was?  What could you have done to make it more convincing?

4. How much time did you spend on this essay, including all the prep work (prewriting, outlining, research, etc.)? Was it enough time?

5. What, if any, benefit did you get from practicing academic research and argument techniques? How can you use the principles and practices from this essay in the future?

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