English 1A
Gavilan College
Analysis Essay - American Culture
1000-1500 words (4-5 pages)


To demonstrate knowledge of the technique of analysis; to demonstrate ability to present a thesis that illuminates a deeper meaning than may be apparent at first glance; to provide concrete, specific evidence from the source itself to support that thesis.


In journal #2, you were directed to write about what you consider to be your American identity.  In this essay, you'll return to that journal, and consider not just the abstract ideals and beliefs associated with being an American, but also the outward signs of it - the rituals, the behaviors, the trends, the traditions, the art and literature - in other words, American culture.


1.  Choose a topic. Pick one aspect of American culture.  It could as specific as the American habit of eating while driving, or as broad as gender roles in America.  You could choose anything, really.  There are only two requirements:  it must be something that you have either experienced or observed, and it must reveal some insight about American culture, or about American identity. Some suggestions, if you're feeling stuck for a topic:  celebrity worship, cell phones, fast food (or food in general), the debate over prayer in school (or gay marriage, or the war in Iraq, or assisted suicide, or any other debate), political correctness, the education system in the US (or American attitudes toward education), reality TV, the influence of the media, religion in the US, sports (professional or otherwise) in the US, American standards of beauty, race relations in America, class stratification in the US, attitudes toward pets, family structure (including single parenting, divorce, blended families, extended family relations, etc), pornography and/or sexuality, drugs, gangs, depression and anxiety (or the ways we treat those - and other - disorders), learning disabilities (or other types of disabilities and how they are viewed and treated), school violence, the US justice system, the environment, the influence of the internet....the list goes on and on.  Just pick something that you have an interest in, and we'll figure out a way to analyze it through the lens of American culture.

2.  Brainstorm ideas. Begin by breaking down your topic down in the way that seems most appropriate - that's the analysis part.  If your topic is the Traditional American Wedding, for example, you would list all the ingredients.  If your topic is Reality TV, you would make a list of everything that's associated with it.  If you are analyzing American attitudes toward some current event, such as the War on Terror, or the presidential elections (just for starters), you would probably begin by making a quick timeline of events, and list some of the responses to those events.  If you are analyzing a particular piece of advertising - say, a TV commercial, or a magazine ad - you would note what the ad is selling (the product) and how it's being sold (the pitch).  The more details you can include when brainstorming, the better. 

3.  Choose a thesis:  Once you've taken your topic apart,  you'll examine all the parts and reflect on how those elements work to reveal some insight about American culture.  This process is called "synthesis".  When you synthesize, you're reassembling all the bits you tore apart in the analysis into a coherent whole, this time with a deeper understanding about some aspect of American culture.  What is it that your analysis will reveal about American culture? Please remember:  you are not arguing for or against a certain opinion or position, but rather closely examining your topic to discover what it says about our culture. 

4.  Settle on an audience.  Who would benefit from your analysis?  Who might be interested in your topic?  Who has a stake in the issues you raise?  How would you tailor your approach to fit that particular audience? How would you adjust your tone and style, or the content of your piece?

5.  Make an outline/write a draft.

6.  Revise draft/Submit.

7.  Relax in the sun with your favorite beverage. Let us know what beverage you will be relaxing with. Or, in perfectly proper English:  Let us know with which beverage you will be relaxing.

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