Gavilan College
English 2F - Children's Lit
Student Agreement/Student Profile


1.  Read all the sections in Module 1.

2.  Complete the following activities:

Part #1 - Student Agreement
Open a new document in your word processing program. Type a message stating that you've read and understood the guidelines in the course syllabus, particularly the guidelines about plagiarism. If you have any questions about plagiarism, or any of the material in the orientation pages, please include them in your response. Your submission of this document is your "signature" stating the you understand the workings of the class, the policies and procedures, and that you understand the definition of plagiarism.

Part #2 - Student Profile
In the same document, respond to the following questions. You may write as much or as little as you wish, depending on what you want me to know about you. Keep in mind, the more information you give me, the more easily we can work together to accomplish your goals.

1. What is your name, phone number and/or email address?
2. When and where did you take the assessment test?
3. Who is your counselor?
4. List any English classes have you taken, either at Gav or elsewhere.
5. What other classes are you taking this semester?
6. How many hours do you work each week?
7. What other commitments do you have that will require your time and attention this semester?
8. What is your academic major? If you haven't chosen a major yet, what are your academic interests?
9. Do you plan to transfer? If so, do you know where and when?
10. How would you describe your learning style? What types of assignments/activities do you find most interesting and helpful?
11. What are some potential challenges for you in the class?
12. How does this class fit into your long-term goals?
13. Do you have any questions or comments for me?

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