English 2F - Children's Lit
Essay 3 - Free choice

1200-1500 words (4-5 pages)

Purpose: To demonstrate familiary with the techniques of literary analysis, to examine and identify the underlying messages of a work of fiction and express and develop a thesis about the work.


1.  Review the material we have looked at so far.

2.  Choose a text to write about. Any of the novels, picture books or fairy tales that we have read are fair game for this last paper. You could expand on one of your responses, one of the seminar questions, or any of the ideas raised in the outside reading material.

3.  Choose an approach to analysis. Make sure that your answer features a clear thesis, and lots of quotes from the novel (as well as at least two quotes from the web resources and/or Hillman book) to back up your interpretation.


Historical/biographical: How did the events of the author's life and times influence the author's writing? Write a biography of the author and analyze the text to demonstrate that the author's life and times influenced the work at hand.

Formalism/New Criticism: Look at how the author handles the formal elements of the book: plot, character, setting, symbolism, point of view, theme and tone and style. How do these formal elements work to acheive a certain affect on the audience? You should choose to focus on one or two formal elements, such as character and symbolism, for example. To try and analyze all the formal elements would make for a long, unruly paper.

Sociocultural: Study the political messages in the book. What might the author be suggesting about sex and/or gender roles, about race relations, about class distinctions, about the nature of power and authority? Again, if you choose this option, you will want to focus on just one or two aspects of sociocultural criticism, in order to keep the paper manageable.

Mythological: Analyze the mythological elements of the book. What are some familiar elements? Do you recognize any archetypes? What larger 'truths' does the story seem to espouse? What messages does the author send about how to live an optimal life?

Psychoanalytical: Analyze the psychological elements of the book. What are some of the pscyhological concerns of the main characters? How might the text serve as a model for answering some of the psychological questions that children might be struggling with in their daily lives?

4. Format your paper according to MLA standards (see link for instructions and examples)
5. Submit your response.
6. Relax with your favorite beverage, secure in the knowledge that you have submitted the third and final essay for this class! Congratulations!