English 2F
Seminar #6 - Power Imbalances


Think about these questions.

  1. Have you ever experienced a time when you were stereotyped, or when someone made an assumption about you based on your class, race, sex and/or gender, age, sexual orientation or ethnicity? What was your experience, and what was your reaction?
  2. Have you ever been in a situation where there was a marked power imbalance between you and another person or people? The experience could have been as an adult, or when you were a child. Explain the situation, and discuss what your reaction was.
  3. What do you think about such power imbalances in general in our society? What causes such imbalances, and what are the effects? Do you think people focus too much on them, or do we need to focus more on those issues?  Do you think it's possible, or even desirable, to correct these kinds of imbalances?
  4. Do you remember the kinds of books that were popular when you were growing up? How did those books handle the kinds of 'realistic' problems or issues that children and families face? Do you recall reading books that challenged preconceived notions that you might have held, or that were prevalent in your youth?

Write a brief (1-2 paragraph) response to one or more of those questions. Note: You don't have to respond to all these questions. You are free to, of course, but you might also pick a few to focus on, or even just one. I know some of these questions are sensitive and the responses are personal. Share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.

Post your paragraph using the "Start a New Discussion " button.  Initial postings will be due by Monday, 9/29 at midnight.

Respond to at least two of your classmates' paragraphs.  When you respond, do add something to the discussion. Don't just say "I agree" or "disagree".  Give specific reasons why you feel the way you do, examples from your own childhood or observations, and other evidence. Responses are due by midnight Monday 10/6