English 2F - Children's Literature
Seminar #5 - Historical Reflections on Children's Literature

Directions: How does the literature written for and presented to children reflect the times they live in? Think about books or series that were popular when you were a child, and analyze why you think these books were popular, and what they tell us about the people who write them.

Think about these questions

  • What books were popular when you were a child?  What do you remember about these books? Who were the characters, and what were some typical plot lines?
  • How do the books function as a kind of historical snapshot of that era in history? What values, characteristics, norms or other cultral clues indicate when this book was written?
  • What were the expectations for children at the time these books were popular? What did they "teach" children about the culture they live in? What do these books teach us about what it was like to be a child at the time of publication?
  • Are there some ideas, values or norms that seem out of date looking at them a few years later? Do you see these books with new eyes now that you are an adult?

Write a brief (1-2 paragraph) response to one or more of those questions. Post your paragraph using the "New Topic" button.  Postings will be due by Thursday, February 28, at midnight.

Respond to at least two of your classmates' paragraphs.  When you respond, do add something to the discussion. Don't just say "I agree" or "disagree".  Give specific reasons why you feel the way you do, examples from your own childhood or observations, and other evidence. Responses are due by midnight Monday, March 3.

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