English 2F

Seminar #14
Free Choice


Write a brief (1-2 paragraph) response to one or more of these questions:

  • What's left unsaid: What lingering questions, concerns, thoughts, observations or insights do you have about the material presented in this module, or any of the other modules? What do you wish we'd talked about in more depth?
  • Putting it to use: How will you use what you've learned in the class in your life and/or work? Whether you work with children or not, whether you have children or not - how will you put into practice the theoretical ideas we've been discussing this semester?
  • If you ran the world: If you were in charge, what's one thing you'd change about the way we teach children to read, about the way we educate them, about the way we use literature with them, or about any other aspect of how our culture views children, books and learning.

Post your paragraph using the "New Topic" button.  Postings will be due by Monday, 12/1 at midnight.

Respond to at least two of your classmates' paragraphs.  When you respond, do add something to the discussion. Don't just say "I agree" or "disagree".  Give specific reasons why you feel the way you do, examples from your own childhood or observations, and other evidence. Responses are due by midnight Monday, 12/8.