English 2F - Children's Literature in Context

Seminar 2
A Definition of Childhood:

An Avalanche of Adjectives and Assumptions.

Before we begin discussing Children's Literature, it would be helpful to have a working definition of the word "childhood".


Think about these questions:

  1. What is childhood? How would you define this word?
  2. What are children really like? Don't rely on cultural assumptions about what children "should be", but what you believe children are really like.
  3. What do children need in order to thrive?
  4. How much of what we know (or think we know) about children - what they are like and what they need - is universally accepted?  How much is specific to our time and culture?  How much is specific to our individual upbringing, culture and family environment?
  5. What other cultures are you familiar with, besides American culture? What differences do you see in attitudes toward children, childhood and child-rearing do you note across cultures? Give specific examples from your own experience and observations when appropriate.
  6. What was your own childhood like? What cultural norms did your family embrace? Which did they reject? Did you feel the adults around you understood your needs? Why or why not?
  7. Have you ever come across a family with radically different views about childhood and child-raising than you and/or your family hold? How did you react?
  8. How qualified do you think adults are to decide what children need and what's best for them? How well do you think we as adults, really understand or remember about what it's like to be a child?

Write a brief (1-2 paragraph) response to one or more of those questions. Note: You don't have to respond to all these questions. You are free to, of course, but you might also pick a few to focus on, or even just one. I know some of these questions are sensitive and the responses are private. Share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.

Post your paragraph using the "New Topic" button - not the "Reply" button this time.  Initial postings will be due by Thursday, 9/4 at midnight.

Respond to at least two of your classmates' paragraphs.  When you respond, do add something to the discussion. Don't just say "I agree" or "disagree".  Give specific reasons why you feel the way you do, examples from your own childhood or observations, and other evidence. Responses are due by midnight Thursday 9/4.