English 2F - Children's Literature

Assignment Checklist for Module 5



Response 5 - Treasure Island (Due Mon, Oct. 6)
Response 6 - Bridge to Terabithia (Due Mon, Oct.13 )
Response 7 - Number the Stars (Due Mon, Oct. 20)
Essay 2 - (Due Mon, Oct. 27)

Seminar 6 - Sociocultural Theory  (Monday, Sept. 29- Monday, Oct. 6)
Seminar 7 - Treasure Island (Monday, Oct. 6- Monday, Oct. 13)
Seminar 8 - Bridge to Terabithia   (Monday, Oct. 13 - Monday, Oct. 20)
Seminar 9 - Number the Stars (Monday, Oct 20 - Monday, October 27)