English 2F - Children's Literature

Assignment Checklist for Module 6

Chapter 4 "Once Upon a Time...and Tradition Continues"
Chapter 8 "Imaginary Worlds of Fantasy"
Module 6 resources:
Mythological Theory and Fairy Tales
Psychoanalytic Theory and Fantasy
The Dystopian Novel
Why Do We Like Dystopian Novels? by Dave Astor


Response 8- Fairy Tale Analysis - (Due Monday, 11/10)
Response 9- The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (Due Monday, 11/17)
Response 10 - The Hunger Games (Due Monday, 11/24)
Response 11 - Fantasy and the Ideally Human Life (Due Monday, 12/1)
Essay 3 - Free choice (Due Monday, 12/8)
Response 12 - Children and their Literature (Due Friday 12/12)

Seminar 10 - Fairy Tales: Elements, Origins and Significance (Monday 11/3 - Monday, 11/10)
Seminar 11 - Fairy Tales, Influences and Variations - (Monday, 11/10 - Monday, 11/17)
Seminar 12 - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Monday, 11/17 - Monday, 11/24)
Seminar 13 - The Hunger Games - (Monday, 11/24 - Monday, 12/1)
Seminar 14 - Free Choice - (Monday, 12/1 - Monday 12/8)
Seminar 15 - Adieu - (Monday 12/8 - Friday 12/12)