English 2F - Children's Lit
Annotated Bibliography

Purpose: To demonstrate proficiency with MLA format, to explore new texts, to practice research and synthesis skills, to recommend books about a specific topic or theme.


In this assignment, you'll be creating a list of books that are organized by a common theme, category or other criteria.

1.  Review all resources as needed.

2.  Choose a category. Some suggestions:

  • Genres:  picture books, books of poetry, fantasy, mythology, folklore, fairy tales, realism, mystery, sci-fi, horror, historic fiction, non-fiction (which can further break down into sub-categories, such as history, science, biography, etc.)
  • Age of intended audience: infant/toddler, preschool, school age, junior high, young adult.
  • Topic: any topic will do.  Broad topics would include such categories as multiculturalism, historical events or eras, art, award winners, etc.  More specific topics: women's history, death and dying, animals and pets, siblings, new school or house, making friends, specific holidays or other cultural traditions, etc. 
  • Free choice: pick any category you genuinely want to get to know better. 

3.  Research 10-20 titles that you would recommend that would fit into your chosen category. You can use web-based research, or do some field work at the local libary, school, preschool or bookstore. 

4.  Write an annotated bibliography for the titles.  For each title, provide the following information:

  • Author, last name first.  Title. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
    Lowry, Lois.  The Giver.  New York: Bantam books, 1993.
  • A very brief (3-5 sentence) description of the book - what it's about, how it fits your chosen genre, why you'd recommend it, anything else you want to say about the book, etc.

6. Submit your response to the assignments chamber as an attachment. 
7. Extra Credit Option: Post your bibliography to the extra credit forums, "Annotated Bibliography ".