English 2F - Children's Lit
Analysis #2

1200-1500 words (4-5 pages)

Purpose: To demonstrate familiary with the techniques of literary analysis, particular in the context of fantasy, to examine and identify the underlying messages of a work of fantasy and formulate and express a thesis about the work.


1.  Review the resources on fantasy and fairy tales. This is an important step, since you will need to include at least two quotes from the web resources provided for modules 6 and 7.

2.  Consider the points raised in the discussion about fantasy and fairy tales.

3.  Read Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

4.  Choose one of the following questions upon which to base your essay. Make sure that your answer features a clear thesis, and lots of quotes from the novel (as well as at least two quotes from the web resources) to back up your interpretation.

  • What archetypes do we find in this book? Are the characters true to the standard of the archetype, or do they somehow subvert the expectations of the archetype? Either way, what are the effects on the reader? 
  • What are some of the symbols in the book, and what might those symbols represent? How might a child interpret the symbols? How might an adult intepretation of the same symbols differ?
  • Compare and contrast some of the elements in this book to those in other stories/mythologies/religions.  What are some of the common elements? What are some of the important differences? Why might Lewis have included these similarities and differences and what is the ultimate effect on the audience?
  • Compare and contrast the roles of children and adults in this book. Who are the adults, and how do the children (and therefore, the reader) react to these adults?  What role do the adults play in the children's lives?  What might Lewis be trying to say about the relationship between adults and children?
  • How believable is the land of Narnia? How do the details that Lewis includes about the land and its history contribute to our willingness (or unwillingness) to believe in it?  Do you think children and adults have different levels of tolerance when it comes to believing in a fantasy land?
  • What is the role of non-human creatures in the novel?  How do the non-human characters interact with humans, and what might Lewis be suggesting about the relationship of humans to other creatures in the universe?
  • Discuss how the children mature, physically, emotionally, psychologically and socially, during the course of the novel. What might readers understand about the trajectory of a human life from witnessing the maturation of the four children?
  • Identify some of the major themes in the book, and discuss how Lewis treats those themes. What might he be suggesting about human nature, our relationship to ourselves, each other, the physical world, and the world of the divine (the "realm of faerie" in Tolkien's words - that realm that transcends human understanding)?

4. Format your paper according to MLA standards (see link for instructions and examples)
5. Submit your response to the assignments chamber as an attachment.

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