English 2F - Children's Lit
Analysis #2

1200-1500 words (4-5 pages)

Purpose: To demonstrate familiary with the techniques of literary analysis, particular in the context of fantasy, to examine and identify the underlying messages of a work of fantasy and formulate and express a thesis about the work.


1.  Review the resources on  audience, Reader Response Criticism and The Giver. This is an important step, since you will need to include at least two quotes from the web resources provided for module 9.

2.  Consider the points raised in the discussions about fantasy and reader response theory.

3.  Read Lowry'sThe Giver.

4.  Choose one of the following questions upon which to base your essay. Make sure that your answer features a clear thesis, and lots of quotes from the novel (as well as at least two quotes from the web resources) to back up your interpretation.

  • Individual vs. Society: How does Lowry portray the tension between the needs of the individual and the needs of the community? How does society regulate the behavior of the individual? What does Lowry suggest is gained and lost by the regulation of the individual by society? Do you agree with her assessment? Why or why not?
  • The End.  How do you interpret the end of the book? What is Jonas's fate? Is there more than one way to interpret the book's ending?  Does Lowry steer her readers more toward one outcome or are they equally possible? Give evidence from the book to back up your interpretation/s.
  • Dystopia. Would you call this fictional world that Lowry has created a dystopia?  Why or why not? Give the criteria for a dystopian novel, and discuss the intended effect on the audience of dystopian novels.  Argue whether The Giver is an example of the genre or not.
  • Family. How is the family defined in this culture? How important is the concept of family to people in this world? What is the function of the family in the lives of the citizens? What larger themes or ideas might Lowry be suggesting with her portrayal of family in the novel?
  • Sex and Love. What are the view on sex and love in the book? How do the characters experience sexuality and romantic love? What might Lowry be suggesting about human nature with her portrayals of sex and love?
  • Free Choice. Choose one other aspect of the book, and examine how Lowry sets up her reader. Discuss what you think she's trying to do or say, and whether or not you think she is successful.

4. Format your paper according to MLA standards (see link for instructions and examples)
5. Submit your response to the assignments chamber as an attachment.

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