English 2F - Children's Lit
Response #5 - Assessment

Purpose: To take stock of the semester so far, to address any lingering questions, to make suggestions or observations about the class.


Note: The responses are intended to be a way for you to explore ideas that you might later wish to refine in a paper or a discussion.  I will not censor these responses in any way, nor will I grade them on content or grammar (though, like the seminars, they must be coherent and display some measure of critical thinking about the question at hand). You do not have to answer all the questions, nor do you have to confine yourself to these questions.  You can write as much as you want, as long as you meet the minimum length requirements for the assignment

1. Write a few paragraphs summing up your experience in the class so far.  Questions to consider: What idea or assignment has been the most thought-provoking? What is still not clear to you? How are the discussions going for you? Is the online format causing you any grief?  Any other questions, comments or observations for me?

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