English 2F - Children's Lit
Response #10 - A Reader's Response to The Giver

Purpose: To analyze the elements of modern fantasy, to explore the overarching themes and questions in a work of modern fantasy, to interpret a work according to the principles of reader response theory


Note: The responses are intended to be a way for you to explore ideas that you might later wish to refine in a paper or a discussion.  I will not censor these responses in any way, nor will I grade them on content or grammar (though, like the seminars, they must be coherent and display some measure of critical thinking about the question at hand). You do not have to answer all the questions, nor do you have to confine yourself to these questions.  You can write as much as you want, as long as you meet the minimum length requirements for the assignment

1. Read Lois Lowry's The Giver

2.  Review the material on reader response criticism and The Giver from Module 9. 

3. Write a page analyzing one aspect of the book, and your response to it.  Questions to think about:

1. Conformity vs. Self-Expression: Have you ever had a time when your creativity or freedom of expression was limited? What similarities do you see between your own situation and the world in which Jonas lives?  What was your reaction to the way the characters in this book were made to conform?
2. Pro-life vs. Pro-Choice:  Do you consider yourself pro-life or pro-choice, or somewhere in between?  How do you feel about euthanasia? Did your views on abortion and euthanasia influence your reaction to this book? Why or why not?
3. Manipulative Language: Find some examples of how language is used in the book to manipulate people's feelings or perceptions of reality. Draw some parallels between the use of language in this book, and in our own world. How do our leaders use language as a way to shape our ideas of reality?  How do you react when you come across examples of linguistic manipulation in your own life?
4. Death: What is your attitude about death? Do you see it as a release, the way some characters do in the book? Or do you have other ideas about death? How do you feel children should be introduced to the idea of death? Is there anything healthy or beneficial about the way Jonas's society teaches its people about death?
5.  Free Choice. Choose another theme or question raised in the book, and discuss your reaction to Lowry's portrayal of that theme or question. What parallels do you see between the book and your own world? Do you agree with her presentations, or are there times when you found yourself challenging her views?

3. Include at least two quotes from the web resources (different sources please) in your response.

4. Submit your response to the assignments chamber, either as an attachment, or a cut-and-paste.

5. Extra Credit Option: Post your response to the extra credit forums, "Response #9 - A Reader's Response to The Giver".  You will receive extra credit if you post your response and/or respond to at least one other student's posting.

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