English 2F

Discussion #13
The Giver , Fantasy or Reality?


Think about these questions.

1.  Perfection: What do you think about the ways this society copes with the failings of being human? In what ways does the quest for perfection damage the citizens of this world? Do you see any parallels between that world and ours in the way we cope with our vulnerability as humans?

2. Hypocrisy:  How do the people of Jonas's community act like hypocrites? Any parallels between our society and theirs?

3. Other Parallels: What else about your own society do you see echoed in the themes, characters, imagery or situations in this book? How much of this book is pure fantasy, and how much do you think is based in reality - could actually happen under the right circumstances? What would it take for a society like this to develop?

Write a brief (1-2 paragraph) response to one or more of those questions. 

Post your paragraph using the "New Topic" button.  Postings will be due by Thurs, Dec. 7 at midnight.

Respond to at least two of your classmates' paragraphs.  When you respond, do add something to the discussion. Don't just say "I agree" or "disagree".  Give specific reasons why you feel the way you do, examples from your own childhood or observations, and other evidence. Responses are due by midnight Sun, Dec 10.

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